Building an AMP compatible WordPress site (English)

AMP is an open-source web components framework that enables building websites that are compelling, smooth and performant and can be built in an easy and declarative way. With AMP, even highly dynamic and interactive web pages load near instantaneously. The framework furthermore ensures that the high-quality experience achieved after the initial build of a website is maintained over time, by utilizing its powerful validation framework which immediately highlights issues that could potentially hurt user experience.

The core of this workshop is to build a WordPress site that benefits from the power of the AMP framework, taking into consideration all the different pieces a typical site consists of. We will go through the process of creating an AMP compatible theme, and learn what to look out for when selecting or building AMP compatible plugins to enhance the feature set of your site. In preparation for this, a brief introduction will highlight the key principles of AMP, explain why it exists, and showcase some impressive use-cases of the framework.

  • Felix Arntz

    Felix is a Developer Programs Engineer in the Content Experience team at Google and a WordPress core committer from Germany, currently residing in Switzerland. He has been contributing to WordPress for several years, being one of the co-leads of the Servehappy project and a former maintainer of the Multisite, Capabilities and REST API components. He is passionate about user experience and the open web, and he always keeps an eye out on the latest technologies the web ecosystem has to offer.

    Outside of the web, he spends his time producing music, playing the piano and playing soccer. He also drinks a lot of Mountain Dew.


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Aperitivo formativo

Felix quiere que lleguemos a su taller con la tarea hecha y todo preparado, así que nos ha pedido que tengamos ya listo el entorno con el que vamos a trabajar en el equipo.

Tenéis todos los pasos aquí debajo.

Enlace a la presentación y el vídeo en


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